Monday, August 25, 2008

All things helpful

So i am rather new to this whole blogging thing... why would someone want to read a blog or in my case a random rambling of broken thoughts... but it is free and you know what... i can do it... because i am smart enough and blah, blah, blah... so for my first blog ever... Top ten helpful things in the life of David...

10. GermX... love that stuff
9. My study Bible
8. Keys... where would i be with out them... oh yeah on the outside looking in
7. Wal Mart... evil empire or savior of the late night soul? it it up for debate
6. A Leatherman... if you don't know look it up!
5. Computers... yes only 5th on the list!
4. Restrooms... no let me restate that... clean restrooms!
3. The people around me... no not right now because i am alone in my office but the people that encourage and lift me up... did you ever know that you're my hero... you are the wind beneath my wing... oh yeah Baby... Bette Midler in my first ever Blog... you betcha!
2. My amazing, beautiful, thoughtful, encouraging, inspiring, (can i say sexy in my own blog), she is the reason i am where i am at right now in my life... she is my honey, my wife...
... and the #1 helpful thing in my life... My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Can i get a witness... thank you i see that hand...

well, that concludes todays and mybe this weeks blog... have a Phenomenal Day... it is up to you!

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